If you are a veteran with service-related PTSD, MST, or other disabilities and want to apply for our program to receive a service dog, please fill out an application and a VA ROI. Instructions for Application:
Click on the links below to download.
An application must be printed out and handwritten.
When finished, please initial where asked and sign and date.
Your application, VA ROI, and all required documents can be scanned and emailed to
info@servicepeacewarriors.org or mailed to 1781 N. Bellevue Rd. Eltopia, WA 99330.
If you have any questions, please call (509) 537-2530
Please call for more information; reservations must go through Kari at SPW.
For more information about these generous accommodations, please look at their website, Clover Island Inn.
Rooms are subject to availability for your training dates. Included with your sleeping rooms are the following amenities:
All here at Service Peace Warriors want to personally thank the Clover Island Inn staff for supporting our veterans.
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